Saturday, May 18, 2013


Last night I graduated with my AS in Natural Sciences and Mathematics (if I get a 'c' in statistics)! At the ceremony they have this tradition where you give a rose to a person who has helped you through your college education. The first person I would have to say made it possible for me to get my college degree would be God. He is the one who "directs my paths" and guides my life where to go. But it's hard to give a rose to God, so my rose is now sitting on the dining room table for my whole family to enjoy!

Otherwise the ceremony, as most graduation ceremonies are, was pretty boring. The two student speakers said all the normal gushy stuff about education. Then the keynote speaker got up and told her whole life-story. She went on and on about all the things that she accomplished in her life and then thanked all her family and professors for their support (Remember, this isn't one of the graduates speaking!) and then she went on to list all the things her sons, daughters, nieces and nephews have accomplished. I think she meant to inspire us, but I was just left feeling like I'm never going to accomplish anything. Thankfully one of my friends pointed out that because of our faith in Christ we don't have to pursue education until we can't get another degree to feel like we've accomplished something. That's not where our security is. We're secure in Christ. As long as we "do all to the glory of God" we have accomplished everything we need to accomplish here on earth. That being said, it's extremely easy to say this, but so hard to do!!

After the ceremony ended, I greeted my friends and family and got pictures taken. My two best friends, one who I've been best friends with since we were 10 (Laura) and the other who I've been close to since fall semester 2011 (Ilian) met for the first time and there was an explosion of personality! I think we're all going to have some good times this summer. :D Then, my sister (Kirsten) and another friend who I graduated with (Tez) went to hang out at our friend Anna's  house (She graduated with us too) where we played games and ate pizza. At first I kind of wished we could have gone somewhere "grown up" like this Irish Pub in a nearby town, but I think we had just as much fun, if not more, at Anna's house!

That's pretty much it! It was a fun, amazing night filled with friends who are special to me!

1 comment:

  1. Update: I passed statistics-thank God!!-So I'm officially a college graduate!
