Wednesday, April 16, 2014

To Scotland I Go Again

The leaders at my church have officially decided that it would be better for me to wait a year or so to do an internship with 20 Schemes and go on a short term trip again on July 18-26.
On the one hand, I feel like the child that says, "But so-and-so's Parents let them do such-and-such!" but I'm also thankful that I have an opportunity to go back at all this year, and it's extremely good for me to learn submission! :) God know what's going on and he has ordained the way everything is unfolding in my life!

My goal this year is to build relationships with people working with 20Schemes and learn as much as I can so that I'm ready to intern next Spring or Summer.

Please pray for me firstly that I will raise the money I need to raise. Secondly, please pray for me that God will continue to guide me and show me what he wants for my life, and that I would listen. Thirdly, please pray for the people that are guiding me and giving me advice throughout this whole process.
This is a new experience not only for me, but for my church in general. No one's been sent out before, so the church leaders, as well as myself need a lot of wisdom!

That's all for now. I'll try my best to post updates as much as possible!

 (A view of Niddrie-I'm 95% sure-from Arthur's Seat)

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