Thursday, March 13, 2014

General Life Update :)

Once again, it's been a while since I wrote any updates, but here I am.

It's been 7 months since my trip to the UK and specifically the 20Schemes vision trip. Going into the trip I was focused on the long term, thinking about if I would want to/should do an internship. I thought about it long and hard, prayed (sporadically, to be honest. just keepin' it real.) and talked to many different people from all different walks in life from my church family to my co-workers to my peers. Everyone was extremely supportive and I still felt driven (and this is the only thing I've had a real drive for!) to apply for the internship. At this point, I went to my pastor and told him I was interested in a missions internship, and he told me to find out was was involved. Apparently this meant doing research about what I'd be doing with the internship rather than actually applying, but I was a little confused and maybe a little over excited. So I applied and was accepted by 20Schemes to intern this summer. However, I've had to slow down the process and do some research before I continue.
Right now I'm learning as much as I can from different people about everything that would be involved in an internship with 20Schemes, and learning how I can be more involved in different ministries at church and what my strengths are.
In less than 2 weeks I'm going to be doing a presentation to the sunday school kids for a missions rally about the kids of 20Schemes. I'm both excited and nervous thinking about this! I'm excited that I have the opportunity to spread the word about 20Schemes, and I'm nervous, because I really want to do a great job so that the kids repeat what they learn to their parents and I'm also going to present a gospel message. But where I'm weak, God is strong! That's my comfort!
So that's mainly what's going on in my life right now. Otherwise, like I tell everyone else who asks, I'm working at the library, and I love it there! I've got a good life pretty much free of negative drama. :)